FusionInventory for GLPI 0.84+2.1

The 27 February 2014

FusionInventory plugin for GLPI 0.84+2.1

The Fusioninventory plugin for GLPI 0.84+2.1 has been released and it comes with the following changes:

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For those who updated from 0.83 to 0.84+1.0, there has been some missing code issue that led to a broken Deploy repository.

Now, you can fix and recover your repository by injecting the following two tables from a 0.83+x.x backup of your databases :

$ mysql glpi_tmp < backup_0.83.sql
$ mysqldump glpi_tmp glpi_plugin_fusinvdeploy_fileparts > fusinvdeploy_fileparts.sql
$ mysqldump glpi_tmp glpi_plugin_fusinvdeploy_files > fusinvdeploy_files.sql
$ cat fusinvdeploy_fileparts.sql fusinvdeploy_files.sql | mysql glpi_prod


You can download this release from the following address: http://forge.fusioninventory.org/attachments/download/1281/fusioninventory-for-glpi_0.84+2.1.tar.gz

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Make sure to backup your previous installation (files and database) before upgrading.


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